Wingerson Family

Of all the places I have the privilege to shoot, I do believe the South Carolina mountains would have to be one of my all-time favorites!

Last weekend, I had the privilege of returning to our "last hometown" in Pickens, SC. If you haven't followed our story for long, my family and I lived in South Carolina from 2019-2022. These were such fun, amazing years as our kids transitioned from babies to toddlers to preschool. We made such deep friendships in our few years there, and we love keeping up with our friends through social media and the occasional phone chat. Every year since we have moved back to North Carolina, we have made a quick trip back to SC to visit and catch up from the year. When I mentioned I was traveling back for the weekend, Alyson messaged me right away about capturing some quick Christmas photos while I was in town, and I was thrilled to see this family again!

We first met the Wingerson family during Houston's first t-ball season. We had fun chatting each week while our kids dramatically ran around the bases and made quite hilarious plays. The Wingerson's and their three sweet kiddos quickly became our friends, and it was so amazing to see them again and catch up on all the changes the last several years have brought. Bald Rock provided the perfect mountain backdrop and the kids had so much fun playing and exploring around the mountain at the same time- a true win-win!